You can view payment transactions for each payment queue to which you are assigned, any time that you need to check on a payment.
This might be useful, for example, if a customer receives a payment link while on a chat or in an email conversation (rather than on a call) with you and they phone in about it, if you need to cancel a payment that is currently in progress (“active”), or if a customer has a query about a payment in progress.
Note: You can cancel a payment transaction that is in progress but is held in a payment queue to which you are assigned, even if the payment was started by another agent but was put back on the queue before completion.
View transaction status: #
- On the sidebar menu, click Payment queues
- Select the appropriate payment queue from the dropdown list and a list of the payment transactions on the queue will be displayed
- The list can be filtered on all, active or completed transactions
- Select the appropriate payment transaction
- The status of that transaction and payment details are displayed in the workspace area
- If the customer’s email address is associated with a customer record, the customer details are displayed on the right.
Related tasks
Viewing a customer’s contact history