Your inbox lists emails that are currently allocated to you across all queues. To respond to an email, you must first make it your currently active email.
Click play to watch a video on handling an email.
Activate an email #
- Select an email from the list. The email details are displayed in the workspace area.
- If the customer has a contact record, the contact details are displayed on the right.
- Click the play icon
Note: When you are working on an email, your status changes from Available to Handling an email, and the Active Item box is displayed. |
When you activate an email, you see the following details in the Active Item area:
- The length of time for which the email has been your currently active email
- Either the name of the sender or “Unknown”.If the sender is unknown, when you confirm the CRM contact, “Unknown” changes to the selected contact’s name
- The email address of the sender
- The email’s subject
- The queue in which the email was held
- A dropdown list of classifications that allows you to classify the email response, for example, a billing query
- A text box allowing you to enter information about the outcome of the email
- A Contact area, from where you can access a contact’s details or a contact’s history.