The first step to using Contact is logging in. The URL to log in is
How to log in #
The password is used in conjunction with your username to authenticate your user login.
- Navigate to the Contact login page
- Type in your username
- This is the name that is used to log in to this user account. However, it could also be your email address or a user number set up for you by your company administrator.
- Type in your password and then click Sign In
- Note: If Microsoft Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled and you are already signed in on the browser to a Microsoft application (such as Outlook, Office 365 or Teams), you are asked to enter your username only (you will not need to re-enter your password).
- If Microsoft SSO is enabled, before your Agent Portal is launched:
- If you are not already signed in on the browser to a Microsoft application, you are asked to enter your Microsoft password. Enter your Microsoft password and click Sign In, then select whether or not you want to stay signed in.
- If your Microsoft login account is configured to use two-factor authentication, you will also be required to receive and enter a passcode.