Click play to watch a video on handling a webchat.
When handling a webchat, you can pause it temporarily. This “parks” the webchat and leaves it in your Inbox, ready to be activated again later. This allows you to retain ownership of the webchat without being considered to be actively working on it. You may want to do this if you are switching between items and want to handle this webchat at a later time.
Note: Both chats in progress and in wrapup can be paused. If you pause a chat in wrapup, the wrapup timeout is also paused, and resumes from where it left off, once you reactivate the chat.
To pause your currently active webchat, click:
Note: If all of your webchats are in the paused state, the system may automatically present a new webchat to you.
Note: If you are interrupted by a call while handling a webchat, your active webchat will be paused automatically and left in your Inbox, ready to be activated again later. If the chat customer ends the chat while you are handling the call, the chat is placed in the paused wrapup state. Once the call is completed, the webchat resumes automatically and is now in the active wrapup state.