When you activate a webchat, you see the following details in the Active Item dialog:
- The length of time for which the webchat has been your currently active webchat
- Either the name of the sender or “Unknown”.
- If the sender is unknown, when you confirm the CRM contact, “Unknown” changes to the selected contact’s name
- The webchat’s id
- The queue in which the webchat was held
- A dropdown list of templates (if defined) that allows you to select a pre-defined text block to use in your response
- A message box where you can type in your response
- Webchat control buttons
- A dropdown list of classifications that allows you to classify the webchat, for example, a billing query
- A text box allowing you to enter information about the outcome of the webchat
- A checkbox that allows you to flag up an abusive webchat
- A Contact area, from where you can access a contact’s details or a contact’s history.
For example:
Related tasks
Confirming a customer’s contact record
Using the chat control buttons
Related reference