Click play to watch a video overview on answering a call.
When you are available to answer calls, you will either be delivered calls automatically or be configured to pick up pending calls from the queue(s) to which you are assigned.
Note: WebRTC users may receive reports from contacts of audio problems/artifacts/glitches at the start of the call. This has frequently been seen during the first 5 seconds of a call whilst the Automatic Gain Control logic provided by the browser “warms up”/”settles down”. For example Firefox has sometimes made the WebRTC user very quiet for the first 5 seconds, and Chrome has sometimes made the WebRTC user loud for the first 5 seconds.
Related tasks
Viewing calls that are pending in my queue(s) and picking up calls from the queue(s)
Answering a call that is ringing on another agent’s phone
Deciding which pending call to pick up first
Having calls delivered to me automatically