- Queues for which calls have been queued too long are displayed in a different colour, such as red, allowing you to prioritise these queues. The colour used to denote these queues depends on the colour scheme used by your company.
Each queue also has a star rating that indicates the highest priority of any calls in that queue, from 0 to five stars. For example, a queue displaying five stars may contain VIP callers.
You can view more detailed information for a particular queue by clicking:
You can see which agents are in which groups. For each agent, the priority group name is shown as well as the priority level of that group, as denoted by a 1, 2 or 3 icon. For example:
- Calls within a queue that have been queued too long are displayed in a different colour, such as red, allowing you to prioritise these customers. The colour used to denote these calls depends on the colour scheme used by your company.
Each call also has a star rating that indicates the VIP status of the customer, from 0 to five stars.