Extending or ending my wrapup time

Click play to watch a video on tasks to complete when your call ends.

When your call or webchat ends, you are automatically placed in a wrapup period. The amount of wrapup time is displayed on your status bar:

This will tick down and, when finished, your status will change to Available. If required, you can extend your wrapup time by a fixed increment defined by your company administrator or end the wrapup period early.

Manage wrapup times

In the Active Item dialog do one of the following:

To extend the wrapup time, click the plus icon. The number of times that you can extend your wrapup period is displayed within the icon.

The example icon here shows that you have three opportunities to extend the wrapup. When you have no more opportunities left to increase your wrapup time, the icon is greyed out.

To end the wrapup period early, click the confirm button:

Related reference
Active Item (wrapup)